Engineering is what has built this world. The progression of centuries has led people to build things using engineering. Without engineering, we would have no shelter and a lot of other stuff. It is not only essential, but it is also a good job for people. It pays well and helps many communities grow.
There is a website Article called “Engineering” by Ralph J Smith which talks about what engineering is and why it is a good job. It gives examples of the things engineers have built that have helped many people. The author uses an informative tone to get the purpose across. The purpose is really to just let people know what engineers do, what they build, and how they build it. “Thus, the engines of war were devices such as catapults, floating bridges, and assault towers; their designer was the “engineer,” or military engineer.” (Smith). This shows some things that engineers build and have built to help the world. The article is meant to be read by Engineering majors in college or people who want to become engineers. As the language is complex, maybe high-level students are meant to read it. This non-fiction article’s stance is that engineering is helpful to society. After all, most of society was built with engineering. “Standards of engineering practice are maintained through the efforts of professional societies, usually organized on a national or regional basis, with each member acknowledging a responsibility to the public over and above responsibilities to his employer or to other members of his society.” (Smith). The author explains how engineers take a responsibility to the public by fixing any problems they have. Engineering isn’t based on what the engineer wants to build, but the problems are arise which causes them to build something to get rid of the problem. “Unlike the scientist, the engineer is not free to select the problem that interests him; he must solve problems as they arise; his solution must satisfy conflicting requirements.” (Smith). As scientists select what they experiment on, engineers are more focused on solving peoples’ current problems. In engineering, problem solving occurs often. “Problem solving is common to all engineering work. The problem may involve quantitative or qualitative factors; it may be physical or economic; it may require abstract mathematics or common sense. Of great importance is the process of creative synthesis or design, putting ideas together to create a new and optimum solution.” (Smith) This quote explains how problem solving is pretty much required in any type of engineering. This ties back to solving the problems of people to help them. Some problems might need quality and others quantity. All problems vary which is why an engineer needs to have a varied mind set to solve any problems that comes their way. “the major functions of all engineering branches are the following: Research, Development, Design, Construction, Production, Operation, Management and other functions” (Smith). Research is required in engineering because without researching the problem needed to solve, there would be nothing to work for. Development engineers applies what they have researched into a useful way. New knowledge from researching leads to new creations. Designing is also important because they find out the materials needed and shape of the creation to satisfy its purpose. The construction in engineering is focused on safety and setting up the materials needed to build. They are responsible for the placement of materials in order to create the structure. Production is useful for the plant layout and the selection of equipment. They chose the process they will go through and the tools they will use. It also requires inspection and testing. The operation engineer is in charge of anything that operates. Their job is really to supervise and to get complex machines to work. The manager usually recommends people to work as an engineer to contribute to society
The scholarly source “Professional Aspects of Engineering: Improving Prediction of Undergraduates’ Engineering Identity” by Nathan H. Choe, Luis L. Martins, Maura Borrego, and Meagan R. Kendall, talk about how to improve engineers and their identity as engineers. In this article, a study is conducted. The goal of the study “is to understand whether and how considering the professional aspects of engineering practice improve upon current ways of measuring the identity of undergraduates in civil, architectural, and other engineering majors.” (Choe, Martins, Borrego, Kendall). In other words, they are seeing how engineering practice affects identity. “The concept of professional identity pushes beyond technical knowledge to include elements of interpersonal skills, professional skills, values, and behavior patterns that are consistent with the expectations of the profession.” (Choe, Martins, Borrego, Kendall). This shows how Identity is not just affected by who you are but also your special skills, values and behavior patterns associated to the profession. This non-fiction Scholarly article was really a long explanation of an experiment using an objective tone with the purpose of showing people how Engineering qualities affects their identity and what it is. This Article is really directed towards undergraduates and whoever wants to be an engineer or is an engineer. Using expository language, the authors bring across the stance that identity is probably affected by Engineering ability.
According to the Newspaper Article “Engineering services structural engineering” by SyndiGate Media Inc., Structural engineers are constructing a new airport in Germany and this is the contract. The audience is obviously the engineers who are going to build this Airport. The Article is very difficult to understand because it is only meant for engineers to read. “Subject of performance are engineering services in the field of structural engineering in the context of baulich- / technical measures at the facilities of the existing airports Berlin-Schoenefeld (SXF) and Berlin Tegel (TXL) and selected measures at the existing facilities of the airport BER.” (SyndiGate Media Inc.). This shows how it’s is the job of structural engineers to build a new airport in Germany. The expository language ties to the serious tone because it is just a guideline for engineers to understand what needs to be done to build the airport. The Genre is obviously non-fiction with the purpose to propose this contract to build the airport.
The Magazine Article “Engineering” by Michigan Academy of Science Arts & Letter talks a lot about what engineers build and design and what problems they fix or new things they discover. The purpose of this Magazine Article is to show people what engineers have done and how they have helped people. “A team of engineering and nursing students are paired with a physically challenged individual. The engineers design and build an assistive device identified by the client as being useful to improving the quality of their life. The nursing students evaluate the device and the client for any potential health related issues. The multidisciplinary student team works together to provide a safe, useful and health conscious device with the goal of improving quality of life.” (Michigan Academy of Science Arts & Letter) This shows how engineers really help people by building machines and conducting experiments to see if it works. The sole purpose of an engineer is to solve problems that arise like disabilities. “Physical disabilities affect 1.7 million people living in Michigan according to the 2000 Michigan census, 8.3 percent of Michigan’s working age adults (persons between 21 and 64) are physically disabled. The US Federal Government passed the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act in 1988. Increasing the availability of assistive technology as well as the capacity to provide technology-related assistive devices were two objectives of the federal act.” (Michigan Academy of Science Arts & Letter). This shows how the disability problem rose and when the government passed a new law that allowed more access to disabled people, engineers built the access. These access builds include ramps and many other things that engineers build to help people. The Audience for this article is really everyone because engineers help everyone. The Genre is non-fiction because the article is describing real problems that engineers have fixed. The stance is truly that engineering is important to society and that we couldn’t live without it. The language is technically persuasive because it makes you believe how helpful engineers are to the world which ties to the objective tone.
Engineering was one of the biggest discoveries in history. Anybody would be proud to have the identity of an engineer because people would look up to them. Engineering helps people in any situation because they can build anything. As technology rises, so does engineering and their ability to help people. It not only helps people out, but it also gives people well-paying jobs.